Applications are to be completed by the parent or legal guardian of the player.
Applications are to be completed by the parent or legal guardian of the player.
Each region must establish a Registration Committee to be chaired by the Minor or Female Council Representative. The Committee shall have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 members named by the region prior to the commencement of registration. One of the members of the Registration Committee shall be the appropriate Regional Registrar.
"RATIONALE" MUST be clearly completed. The application MUST specifically refer to the criteria on which the application is based. Any application that does not clearly refer to at least TWO criteria shall not be considered for approval. Applicants are advised that the rationale should be detailed and fully-Inclusive with all pertinent information clearly explained. Applicants may be required to provide supportive documentation that would strengthen the substance of the application.
a) Applicant creates and submits Overage Application electronically to the local Minor Hockey Association for approval or denial.
b) If approved, the application will be electronically forwarded to the region who informs the Regional Registration Committee. If approved, the application is electronically forwarded to the Regional Registrar for approval.
c) If approved, the Regional Registrar adds the player's name to the team roster and notifies both the applicant and the Minor Hockey Association.
d) Regional Registrars, in consultation with the Chair of Minor Hockey or Chair of Female, may require supporting documentation to render a decision. Applicants will be notified if additional information is required.
e) Applicants who have been denied will receive electronic notification.
Application must be completed and have received approval from Minor Hockey Association and Regional Registrar prior to February 1st of the current season. Within ten working days of receipt of the application by the Regional Registrar, a decision shall be made to approve or deny the application and the applicant must be informed of the decision. If a decision is not rendered by the tenth day, the application shall be deemed approved.
Applicants may be asked to forward related documents/forms at any point throughout the application process.
The criteria that applies, and information supporting the relevant criteria, must be cited or the application will be denied.
All applicants must meet criteria a). Players approved under criteria a) as well as either b), c) or d) will be eligible to participate in Provincials.
An overage player may only be one year older than the age category in which the player applies to play.
A player who has a physical or intellectual disability, or a mental health disorder (may be required to provide confirmation from a physician).
A goaltender (Under-13 and above) who the Minor Hockey Association wishes to play in the next lower age division in order to ice a team. The lower division team must not have a goaltender and without a goaltender playing down a team cannot be formed.
A first year player with significant skill limitations in their current age division (documentation may be required from the Minor Hockey Association confirming these limitations).
A player from a remote community whom there is no team to play on within the player's age appropriate division and for whom there is not a team a reasonable distance from the home center.
A player wants to play down in order to play only within an Association's house league.
A player who is in grade 12, currently registered full-time in high school, and for whom there is no program within which he/she could participate
Any 7-year-old or 9-year-old that is not in their first year of hockey but wishing to play down a category at Under-7 or Under-9 to play at a level more suited to their skill level for better development.
Overage applications are not intended for players whose skill level would permit them to play with their chronological age division.
Players/Goaltenders who have received Overage approval from Hockey Manitoba based on the stated criteria are eligible for all hockey activities except for regional playoffs and provincial tournaments.